Over 530 South and North Koreans, including members from approximately 130 civil society organizations, 350 political and social leaders and 180 North Korean defectors, gathered in Seoul on Thursday for the 79th Liberation Day Unification Implementation Resolution Rally for Action for Korea United, according to the Global Peace Foundation, Friday.
Participants, including defector-turned-lawmaker Rep. Park Choong-kwon and North Korea Strategy Center President Kang Cheol-hwan, vowed, “I will be the owner of the realization of a new unified nation.”
In a welcoming address, Rep. Lee Yong-sun of the Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) expressed his “respect and gratitude” for citizens working toward peace and unification on the Korean Peninsula, despite the tense military situation between the two Koreas. He emphasized the importance of continuing preparation and action for unification and peace, echoing the “Korean Dream” vision.
Kim Choong-hwan, co-chair of Action for Korea United, expressed his hope that next year’s 80th National Liberation Day would be celebrated by both South and North Korea together.
“The Constitution of the Republic of Korea recognizes North Korean residents as citizens of South Korea,” he said. Kim urged the government to issue temporary one-time passports to North Korean defectors stranded in China and establish a pension system 스포츠 for defectors. “I sincerely hope that next year’s National Liberation Day will be one that North and South Korea can celebrate together.”
Rep. Joo Ho-young, deputy speaker of the National Assembly, noted the significance of the event in his congratulatory remarks. “This gathering is even more meaningful as it is a place where civic leaders and defector organizations pledge solidarity and cooperation for a free and unified Korea,” he said.
Rep. Park echoed these sentiments, saying, “The noble sacrifice of the martyrs, who were ordinary citizens, created today’s Republic of Korea. As pioneers of early unification, we will work alongside North Korean defectors to usher in a new era of unification.”