On the 17th, we held the Calpheon Banquet, a year-end invitation event for adventurers (users) of the mobile MMORPG Black Desert Mobile.
The event was held at Ibex Studio in Gwangmyeong, Gyeonggi-do, with ticket buyers in attendance. All proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to Black Desert Mobile users.
Heo Jun and Aiden, who hosted the Calpheon Banquet, along with Kim Chang-wook, General Manager of Black Desert Mobile, and Ahn Hyung-kyu, Game Design Team Leader, led the fans through the release of coupons and updates containing in-game items.
The update announcement revealed content improvements and new content that will be rolled out starting on February 19 and ending on February 6 of next year.
The announcement included details on the auto-hunt and Black Spirit modes, content reorganization, and more, as well as the addition of the new class Scalar and the start of the Winter Season.
First, we’re changing Auto-Hunt to allow players to hunt in place in all hunting grounds in the Great Shroud without traveling. We’re also bringing benefits to mobile players who can’t keep the game running, meaning you’ll be rewarded for your accumulated time when you log out, even if you don’t have Black Spirit Mode running. The mode will be available for all supported content, and players will be able to choose their own hunting grounds.
The content overhaul continues ahead of the game’s sixth anniversary next year. With content improvements in mind that make the objectives gamers approach clearer, rewards will be increased after complex content overhauls.
Ancient Ruins are the primary source of Ore. Devastation will remove the Elven/Horde distinction and serve as a source for materials to level up Black Spirits and craft Chaos Rating Modifiers, while Ariel’s Rift will be a source for Dimensional Fragments and Valk’s Counsel.
We’re also lowering the cost of entering the Rift of Chaos by 50 percent to make it less of a burden on silver, introducing Chaos-tiered glyph imprints with ingredient combinations, and updating items that are stuck in the Primordial tier to the Chaotic tier.
Snowy Mountains will be approached with the goal of obtaining Void Trinkets, and Void Trinket Awakening updates are also planned.
New classes include a scalar with a twin hammer and gravity. The event also featured a demonstration of “Particle Acceleration,” an attack and buff skill that utilizes the laws of physics, including “Gravity Core,” “Attraction,” “Reaction,” “God’s Weight,” “Light Leap,” “Unfinished Black Hole,” “Spatial Disconnect,” “Long Strike,” “Gravitational Field,” and “Hammer Throw.
In addition, we will update three new hairstyles, start the winter season, add a griffon server, seasonal plus missions, and migrate existing servers.
Content updates will continue into next year. Forgotten Ruins will be added to the Sun’s Battlegrounds in the form of Base Camp, and Morninglands will bring the Black Sun approach to PvP and PvE to the Land of Morning: Night of the Demon content, and the open-world Dragan of the Past.
In particular, open-world Draegan will be able to use skills between Inherited and Awakened classes through the Lore skill. For example, Corsairs and Captains can use one of two specific skills from each other.
Meanwhile, the Calpheon Banquet is a year-end event for adventurers in Black Desert Mobile that’s designed to be a festive celebration for all. Gamers who redeem the four coupons shown in the Calpheon Banquet livestream will receive three Ancient Memory Imprint Boxes and 5000 Black Pearl, an Ancient Hadum/Elysian Rune Selection Box, 2000 Light Crystal, one Radiant Crystal Box, three W’s, 5000 Sun Crystal, a Class Change Selection Box, and 10,000 Rain Holy Water.