“I wasn’t blocking and serving well.”
Day after day, the defeats piled up to nine. Even the commander was exhausted.
Pepper Savings Bank lost the Dodram 2023-2024 Season V League GS Caltex match at Pepper Stadium in Gwangju on the 15th with a set score of 0-3.
The team lost the first two sets 23-25 in a close match. The third set was a 10-point blowout. 텍사스홀덤 Yasmin (20 points), Park (11 points), and the 1,475 fans in attendance cheered us on, but it was far from a victory.

“We didn’t block and serve well,” sighed Pepper Savings Bank head coach Joe Trinzi after the game. “It’s all about focus, teamwork, and keeping it together until the end,” he lamented.
Park Jung-ah’s search for a partner is stalled. Chae Sun-ah, Park Eun-seo, and Lee Han-bi have been taking turns on the bench, but neither of them has shown any particular strengths or weaknesses.
It would be better to add Kim Hae-bin to strengthen the defense. Coach Trinzi said, “Nothing has been decided. We’re not getting the results we want with the way we’re playing, and we’re ready to make any changes (to win),” he emphasized.
While Park’s offense wasn’t bad on this day, her weaknesses in blocking stood out. She didn’t even have a single effective block, let alone a blocking point.
“She started her blocking position too far to one side, and her stance was narrow while her arms were too wide, so she was often open,” said Coach Trinzi.